DISCLOSURE: I am an ambassador for Aeroplan and received compensation for this post. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.

Many of you know that Vancouver is not my true homeland, I am from Saskatoon Saskatchewan originally. For years, Ava and I have been making the trip back to Saskatchewan several times a year. As Ava got older it became harder to make the trips as frequently. Then you throw in another child and it became next to impossible. Thanks to Aeroplan, we’re taking a trip to Saskatchewan this summer to celebrate my Grandma turning 99 years young.

Aeroplan new promise


We’ve travelled by planes, trains, and automobiles to get from Vancouver to Saskatoon. Anytime we can use our reward miles, it’s obviously our first choice. Our friends at Aeroplan have recently announced that they will transform travel planning as we know it into an extraordinary experience in order to better connect members with the people, places and moments that matter most.

We are currently finalizing our trip to Saskatchewan this summer for my Grandma’s 99th birthday! It’s not every day that you get to celebrate someone turning 99. I couldn’t be more proud that both my girls get to celebrate their G.G turning 99.  With more than a 90 year age difference between my Grandma and the girls, their relationship and this yearly trip mean the world to me.

Trip To Saskatchewan

To provide a little back story, in early 2017, I received the call I had dreaded for so long. My Grandma was being moved into palliative care and it was best if came and said our goodbyes. We all rushed home. I sat by her bed, I held her hand and counted her breathes. Tears welled up as her breath became shallower. I watched her chest rise and fall.  After returning home, we expected that it would not be long before we would receive the news of her passing. Thankfully, that summer we celebrated her 98th birthday!

This wonderful lady went from palliative care to now living in a care home in Saskatchewan about to turn 99?! There isn’t a day that I do not think about her, she is everywhere in my home. Her trinkets adorn my shelves, her World War II uniform is in my closet and her pictures are on my walls. Getting home to see her face on her birthday means more to our family than anything else.

Trip To Saskatchewan

Each year this trip becomes more and more important to our family. The girls look forward to tractor rides with Grandpa; time with their cousins and most importantly, G.G. has all six of her great-grandkids together.  It is so important for us to not only try to earn and redeem as much Aeroplan Miles as possible, but also make lasting memories that we will cherish forever.

Aeroplan's new promise Aeroplan

The Beginning of a new Aeroplan

Aeroplan’s transformation includes their new promise to create an experience that is more personalized, more convenient and more flexible for their members.  Aeroplan is introducing even more ways to earn and redeem miles. So as we keep earning our miles, our annual trip to Saskatchewan is only going to get easier to plan.

Flying anywhere can be daunting; and flying anywhere with children is a whole other story. Ava and I would pack up every two months to fly back to Saskatoon, but with limited seating, booking flights became such a task. Aeroplan has said that in 2020 you won’t be limited to seat inventory from one airline or network when you want to redeem valued miles. You’ll be able to choose any available seat from more airlines to more destinations than today. Sounds amazing right?!

Aeroplan is also evolving its travel offering and will soon provide opportunities to book more hotels in addition to the properties you can already redeem for today.

This year our trip to Saskatchewan will be via rental car. We’ve done this trip many times and have figured out all the ways to make road travel with kids fun. Aeroplan will be offering flexible payment options when we book which will allow us to make more stops and have more fun when travelling! Not to mention the convenience of earning on thousands of everyday items in store and online at more than 150 partner brands and on all cash bookings made with Aeroplan.


Aeroplan makes enjoying a unique travel experience possible, which is exactly what these summer trips should be — unique! Did I mention Aeroplan has a greater selection of accommodations, destination activities, vacation packages?

Whether I call into the Aeroplan Contact Centre, navigating online or using the app, Aeroplan is reinventing our user experience at every level. Want to learn more?  Head over to the Aeroplan website HERE, check it out and don’t be afraid to sign up for a card while you’re there!

We love making memories as much as you do and so we’ve partnered up with Aeroplan to give away 5,000 miles! Enter below! Must be a Canadian resident to win and an Aeroplan member. 18+ to enter. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY.

a Rafflecopter giveaway






59 Responses

  1. I would go home too; Edmonton is so wonderful during the Summer – I’ll even forgive the mosquitos! Happy 99th birthday to your GG!

  2. I love to travel, but it’s so expensive. I do try & collect rewards on purchases, and am hoping I can add to my Aeroplan balance when they add new vendors. Seems they’ve been dropping off like flies in the past couple of years. Don’t do Pinterest, Instagram, or Twitter, so just the plain ‘ole entries for me !!

  3. Oh, and have a great trip to your Grandma’s Birthday. It’s great that you make these trips while she is still alive, and think of the memories for your children too.

  4. I would go to Iceland if I were to win the 5,000 Aeroplan points; I would love to experience the natural beauty of that country.

  5. I love that Aeroplan will be adding more airlines to their inventory. I haven’t collected Aeroplan points forever because I’ve always found other programs better. This might change my mind!

  6. I would go to Italy but it wouldn’t be with Aeroplan. I’ve lost a ton of points due to expiry loop holes that they utilize. So I am now a proud AirMiles customer as they treat us right and let us keep out hard earned miles.

  7. I would be happy to go to Ontario and visit family and check out some cool places to visit that we haven’t yet. Or do some exploring in BC and Alberta!

  8. I would go to Greece! We’re trying to plan a trip there this fall, after dreaming about it for the last 10 years! Fingers crossed it all works out!

  9. I would choose Disneyworld for my kids sake. I have many places I’d love to see but it would be an experience of awesome memories for them to atleast travel to Disney once.

  10. If I could go anywhere, I would love to go to Amsterdam to visit family and the land my parents grew up in

  11. If I could go anywhere it would be Japan or New Orleans and both for the same reason, the food lol.

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