Fun Friday Fact… I am a picky eater! This strawberry spinach salad quickly became my savior! It wasn’t until I after I had children and had long since moved away from home that I began to explore foods I had never tried before and revisit some I had previously written off.

One of my picky eater tendencies is that I do not like cooked veggies. As I’ve grown up, I have realized that this method of living has done nothing but limit me!  Sometimes going for dinner can be tough especially when it’s with new people!

Many summers ago, we were visiting my favourite cousin on Vancouver Island and ended up staying for dinner! Main Course…Salmon! Growing up on the prairies, fish wasn’t really something I was exposed to much! The fish that I had tried back in my prairie days always smelled very “fishy” and often had lots of bones left in them.  Thus my distaste for fish and since then had written off all fish including salmon. Amongst a few other dinner items, was this Spinach Salad with strawberry’s in it.

strawberry spinach salad

I tried to not to be picky. I tried to at least taste a small bit of everything.  As suspected I didn’t like most. I was weary on the spinach in this salad but paired with the dressing and the strawberry’s, this Strawberry Spinach Salad recipe has quickly become my go to!

Little update to this post, that cousin recently passed away from Cancer after many years being Cancer free! I hold onto this recipe even more so as it is a family favourite and brings me closer to her memory each time I make it!

I have switched from using spinach alone to a beautiful spring mix with Baby spinach, Baby lettuce, and Radicchio which gives it a very refreshing taste! I also leave the sunflower seeds off to the side just in case someone doesn’t like sunflower seeds but honestly, it’s so good they’ll be begging for more!

I’ve been very tempted to also try this recipe with blueberries but part of me doesn’t fully trust blueberries as you never know when you’re going to get a sour one! Truly anything goes with this salad, maybe you want to add walnuts or a crumbled cheese, it truly is a versatile salad!

strawberry spinach salad

Looking for another salad idea? Try our Smoked Mozzarella Pasta salad, you can also find many more of our recipes all in one place by checking out my Pinterest Board

Strawberry Spinach Salad

This delicious spring salad is perfect on it’s own or as a side! The vinegarette with the strawberries is perfect!

  • 2 tbsp Balsamic vinegar
  • 3 tbsp virgin olive oil
  • 1 tsp dijon mustard (I use just reg or honey mustard)
  • 2 tsp Liquid Honey
  • salt
  • pepper
  • handful of strawberries sliced
  • handful of sunflower seeds (optional)
  • Spinach or Spring Salad

How to make Strawberry Spinach Salad

Careful because this recipe is so easy, you’ll find yourself making it daily! Mix together the first 6 ingredients in the recipe above. Clean your 5oz container of spinach or spring salad. Coming dressing with spinach or spring mix, strawberry’s, and sunflower seeds.  If you’re looking to add meat for more substance, I personally have used grilled chicken but I imagine would taste good with shrimp as well!

This recipe is quick, easy, inexpensive and nutritious. Even my oldest will eat this as it has a bit of tang but just the perfect amount of sweet combined with the strawberries, this is a great way to sneak in some greens for those picky eaters like me!

I’d love to see how you customize your Strawberry Spinach salad, so please tag us on social media and use hashtag #avatozoeeats so we can reshare your creations. Or if you have any questions, suggestions or simply want to chat, send me an email at janette (at)  I promise I don’t bite, well only if you try to take my food!

strawberry spinach salad



Strawberry Spinach Salad

5 Responses

  1. I love salads especially with fruit, my two favourites are strawberry/walnut/spinach and apple/pecan/kale. If I use a dressing, I make a oil-free fruit vinaigrette.

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