3 Simple Ingredients For a Delicious Baked Garlic Butter Chicken

You look up and suddenly it’s almost 5 pm and I realize my family may want to eat dinner.  With nothing planned, panic sets in. I have plenty of butter, garlic, and chicken on hand but that doesn’t necessarily make a dinner. Or does it? Introducing Baked Garlic Butter Chicken, not to be confused with […]

A Quick & Easy ‘Never Miss Breakfast Again’ Recipe

According to LiveStrong.com if you miss breakfast, it can cause you to lose energy, increase hunger, cause a drop in your metabolism and actually cause you to gain weight! Being too busy to eat doesn’t seem like such a good idea anymore now does it? No, this post isn’t sponsored, I just thought that was interesting info! […]

A Delicious Easy Twist On A Classic Korean Beef Bowl

Growing up in Saskatchewan, we ate mostly red meat! Pork Chops on occasion, however, it was typically steak, roast, and ground beef .  My husband and children aren’t so much a fan of that kind of beef frequency, so for a long time we had switched to ground chicken or turkey but that too gets […]