Few people will tell you that potatoes, rice and plain pasta that they should not be kept in the fridge and that you should throw them away if not eaten. I ain’t one to throw away food if it’s not bad especially mashed potatoes. So I’ve come up with a solution after having dinner at Joey on Broadway once upon a time ago.  Mash Potato Spring Rolls!  Almost everything tastes good with mashed potatoes and when you wrap it in a spring roll wrapper how can one refuse.  Crazy easy recipe and your options are ENDLESS!


Usually when I make mashed potatoes, I boil my garlic and dill in the water with the potatoes and add extra after but the trick to a good mash potato is peel the potatoes and place them in room temperature water and THEN turn the stove on!  I always used to boil the water and then add the water. I also add a dash of oil to boiling water, stops it from jumping out and burning a person!

Make your Mashed Potatoes by boiling the potatoes, add milk, cream, butter…LOTS of butter along with whatever seasoning you’d like.. mash them all together, you can even whip them if you like, (which I prefer).  Ok so now you’ve had them for dinner some left over..what do you do?  Throw them in the fridge over night and go get yourself some spring roll wrappers in the morning. I live close to a T&T market so we head down the street and grab some “Spring Home TYJ Spring Roll Pastry”  which cost is under $5.00 and you get $20 sheets in a package, I usually buy them in advance and then freeze them!

You can leave them plain with a large spoon full in each wrapper.  Wrap them closed like a taco but fold all ends in. Fry in a small amount of oil them at a medium low heat until they are brown. You can garnish them with cheese, sour cream, green onions, bacon bits, anything really, or you can include all of those with the mash potato before you wrap it!  Your options are truly endless.

You could do pulled pork inside? What about Thanksgiving left-overs ie: turkey, stuffing,  mashed potatoes then dip in the left over cranberries.   Honestly, cheap, easy, and EXTREMELY kid friendly! I will often freeze them  and then cook as needed.  Delicious!!  Let me know what variations you think would taste good!





8 Responses

    1. Kind of but not really! Perogies have a different outer casing! Spring rolls are much flakier as opposed to the doughy perogie, even when fried! But both are AMAZING!

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