Disclosure: I have partnered with YMC and Kellogg and have received compensation for this Sugar Wise post. All opinions are my own.
At the beginning of the summer, I completed 30 days sugar-free. Like many other Canadians, I was looking for ways to reduce my sugar intake and become sugar wise. During my challenge, I tracked the sugar content I was removing from my diet. It sat in a container on the kitchen counter for all to see.

I had done my research about going sugar-free responsibly. I was mindful that this was initially my challenge and hoped it would help educate my entire family. Reading the ingredient lists was frustrating as you learn many different names used to say sugar or sweetener.
Thankfully as I grew up eating various Kellogg’s cereals, the cereal aisle is not as torturous. Kellogg Canada encourages Canadians to main a well-balanced lifestyle by including Kellogg’s cereals as part of your day. Looking for the bright blue Sugar Wise TM logo made finding options for both me and the girls so much easier!
Kellogg’s Sugar Wise TM cereals include time-honoured and trusted favourites like Special K® Original, Corn Flakes®, Rice Krispies®, Rice Krispies® Brown Rice and Crispix®.
Sugar aware parents can take comfort in knowing that Kellogg Canada also offers Sugar WiseTM cereals. These 5 different cereals have simply 1-4 grams of sugar which help us feel good about eating and serving these cereals to our families. Starting my girls’ day with a nutritious breakfast is a welcome piece of mind. I know that my girls are getting the energy they need to make the most of every morning.
In a recent conversation with my Dad over a bowl of Rice Krispies, it was obvious that Kellogg’sCrispix’s is one of my favourite cereals and knowing it is a great source of 8 essential vitamins and minerals was a huge help coming out of my sugar-free challenge. My Dad still starts his workday with a healthy 3 grams of sugar serving of Corn Flakes as he prefers the taste over all other cereals!
After seeing the amount of sugar that can be unknowingly consumed, Kellogg’s cereals are always welcome in my home! Offering a variety of great tasting, nutritious cereals specifically with you and your family in mind and to help start the day right and with the wholesome simplicity of wheat, corn or rice ( i.e. Simple Grains). #SugarWise #KelloggPartner
To learn more about Kellogg’s “Sugar WiseTM” cereal offerings, please visit www.kelloggs.ca
Leave us a comment below telling us your favourite breakfast cereal!
It’s seriously scary how much sugar we consume unknowingly! Rice Krispies is a fave of ours!
There is something like 150+ different names for sugar! I’m a Crispix girl 100%
I am a big sugar eater. I can’t imagine not eating it!
It’s frustrating how many hidden ingredients are in so many of the foods we eat, especially sugar. Anytime it’s made easier to find healthier options I’m grateful.
So great that Kellogg’s had these low sugar options. We love Raisin Bran but I see it’s not on the list? My youngest daughter lives for Rice Krispies though so at least I am winning there!
We love Rice Krispies and corn flakes and that’s so great about how little sugar is in each serving
We eat way too much sugar… and cereal can be so full of it. But we love Rice Krispies too and we often eat it in the morning.
Two of my fav cereal!! I give you so much props for doing your research before cutting sugar out! Im totally going to get these as alternatives!
We eat WAY too much in our household. Glad to see two of our fave cereals are on this list though.
I’ve always been a fan of Corn Flakes, but I’m learning to like All Bran now too because I’m pushing 50 and…you know…I need the fibre. #oversharing. Good for you for doing a sugar-free challenge. It’s crazy how our taste buds adjust, eh?
I love that there are 5 different kinds of cereals that are sugar wives. My favorite is Special K but my kids love Rice Krispies.