Finishing Strong With Club16 Trevor Linden Fitness

Disclaimer: I received compensation and services in exchange for sharing my honest experience with Club16 Trevor Linden Fitness. Another year, another Vancouver Sun Run completed! If you’ve followed my fitness journey, you know I’ve been at this for 3 years now as a sponsored runner for The Vancouver Sun. This year, I also partnered up […]

A Nutritional Struggle: Fueling Your Body To Go The Distance

Though it feels like eons ago, completing my first 10KM run was just mere weeks ago. I’ve had several people reach out to see what the hardest part about running a 10km was and for me, that answer was easy, it was nutrition! I had written earlier that I was one of those people who thought you […]

My Deepest, Darkest, Dirtiest Secret And How It Changed My Life!

You read the right. I have a secret! It’s gross and I’m not proud of it! Some people know this about me, some don’t! I’m always honest about it but you’d never believe it until I said it! I cannot hold it in anymore and now I’m ready to share my deepest, darkest, dirtiest secret […]