Though it feels like eons ago, completing my first 10KM run was just mere weeks ago. I’ve had several people reach out to see what the hardest part about running a 10km was and for me, that answer was easy, it was nutrition!

I had written earlier that I was one of those people who thought you could throw on a pair of shoes and run. While yes technically you can, I do not recommend it! The days with most success were days when I was fuelled and hydrated properly! Your body is actually very much like a car, if you are not putting gas in it, it simply will not go far! This is where Whole Cuisine stepped in and really saved the day!

I will open and honestly admit right now, I don’t know much in terms of nutritional eating. I love flavour, I love red meat and I like not having to read the ingredients before purchasing! Most people would say that I am a fairly picky eater; my husband would claim I am the pickiest eater next to our oldest daughter Ava.

I will call ignorance on this once; I grew up in a red meat and potato kind of house! Salt and pepper were a part of every meal and portions weren’t something that was ever observed in our house! I like to say that Saskatchewan culinary back in 80’s/90’s wasn’t nearly as informed as it could have been. Again, I’m calling ignorance here and much of my “opinion” on nutritional or lack thereof was based on upbringing! No offense Ma… I still love your cooking!

Having no knowledge of what was really needed to fuel myself properly, I knew I needed protein, however, living a life of chicken wasn’t going to work for me! I love flavour and chicken to me was never that flavour I craved. I was very unaware of the alternatives to chicken that were high in protein! Turns out Chicken can be cooked 100’s of different ways and taste amazing! Furthermore, Chicken is not the only source of protein!

A Nutritional Struggle


Whole Cuisine delivered various different dishes right to my kitchen table that I would never have chosen previously. Whether you’re a bodybuilder, an athlete or just looking to eat well to live well, Whole Cuisine has a meal plan for you!  Whole Cuisine is a Surrey based meal prep company operated by health and fitness professionals who know the difference between eating and eating to be healthy. They source their ingredients locally as they believe connecting clients with their community serves to build a better, healthier community that benefits everyone.  A BC/Canada registered dietician approves all the meal plans presented by Whole Cuisine.   If you are in the Surrey, Langley, Delta, Burnaby, New West and Vancouver area, let them count the calories and put an end to your nutritional struggle so you can get back to being your amazing self!

Top three things I learned about food and nutrition:

  1. Quinoa is a magical little grain! It’s much lighter than rice but loaded with protein! After my meals ended, I really missed the Quinoa so I began making my own at home.  Use your favourite broth rather than water to give it a bit more flavour! Top it with roasted garlic and not only will it be delicious but you will scare away the vampires! Win Win!
  2. I have a texture issue! I was kind of aware of this before hand but this food adventure really sealed the coffin on my texture issue! Chick Peas and I were friends! No matter how hard I tried, I just don’t love chickpeas! Nope not one bit! It’s such a shame that they are so full of protein.
  3. Eating healthy doesn’t mean boring! There are plenty of options, you just have to get creative and hey. When in doubt, call Whole Cuisine!

Get in touch with Whole Cuisine today to help get out of that nutritional slump!  Your body will thank you! You can find them on:

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my secret!

4 Responses

  1. Yes! And when it’s prepared and easy, it’s soo nice!! We are major healthy eaters over here and it makes a huge difference in our bodies! 🙂

  2. Oh my goodness all those meals look amazing. My big issue is making sure I have what I need in the house to make my meals. Often I think of the rest of my family, but forget myself.

  3. Love the list of things you learned! I also can’t seem to like certain healthy foods no matter how hard I try. For me, its almonds. This post is super motivating though, I grew up the same way and am trying to get healthier!

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