3 Simple Ingredients For a Delicious Baked Garlic Butter Chicken

You look up and suddenly it’s almost 5 pm and I realize my family may want to eat dinner.  With nothing planned, panic sets in. I have plenty of butter, garlic, and chicken on hand but that doesn’t necessarily make a dinner. Or does it? Introducing Baked Garlic Butter Chicken, not to be confused with […]

Dinner In A Hurry Italian Sausage Soup With Cheese Tortellini

They say never grocery shop when you are hungry! I will go one step further and say if you are not comfortable experimenting in the kitchen, never go on Pinterest when you’re hungry or ill-stocked.  This Creamy Italian Sausage Soup With Cheese Tortellini happened all because I ended up on Pinterest and got inspired by 3 […]

An Easy and Healthy Breakfast Pizza Recipe

Pizza is a staple in our house! We’ve talked about this before, it’s no secret that we all love our Pizza. Now combine in the breakfast element and this breakfast pizza is a complete level up! This recipe is very easy to make and can be prepped ahead of time. It’s guaranteed to be a […]

A Quick & Easy ‘Never Miss Breakfast Again’ Recipe

According to LiveStrong.com if you miss breakfast, it can cause you to lose energy, increase hunger, cause a drop in your metabolism and actually cause you to gain weight! Being too busy to eat doesn’t seem like such a good idea anymore now does it? No, this post isn’t sponsored, I just thought that was interesting info! […]

Delicious Double Chocolate Chip Raspberry Cookies {Recipe}

Have You Ever Tried Fresh Raspberry Cookies? Did you even know  Double Chocolate Chip Raspberry Cookies were a real thing? Ok, Y’all are going to think I’m weird and honestly, I wouldn’t blame you if you did….I have a berry phobia! Let me explain! Berries are a mystery, you never really know what it’s going to […]

This Recipe Will Have You “Wonton” More!

I have a real soft spot for Wontons and Spring Rolls. I make my own spring rolls and no, I won’t share that recipe with you! A girl has to have some secrets! Wontons have made their way into my food loving heart and now I want to share with our favourite meatless Wonton recipe […]

A Nutritional Struggle: Fueling Your Body To Go The Distance

Though it feels like eons ago, completing my first 10KM run was just mere weeks ago. I’ve had several people reach out to see what the hardest part about running a 10km was and for me, that answer was easy, it was nutrition! I had written earlier that I was one of those people who thought you […]

A Chocolate Waffle A Day Keeps The Hangry Children Away Recipe

Did your parents own a Waffle Iron growing up? Mine never did but I had a friend who’s mom would make waffles every Sunday morning!  You can bet where I was every Sunday morning?! Yup, I was at Kim’s house waiting for waffles to be made. I remember those waffles right down to the taste […]

A Delicious Easy Twist On A Classic Korean Beef Bowl

Growing up in Saskatchewan, we ate mostly red meat! Pork Chops on occasion, however, it was typically steak, roast, and ground beef .  My husband and children aren’t so much a fan of that kind of beef frequency, so for a long time we had switched to ground chicken or turkey but that too gets […]

Taco Tuesday Will Never Be The Same: Chicken Tortilla Soup

I’ve mentioned before that Taco Tuesday is quite the event around here with Ava. I’m positive the copious amounts of hot sauce I consumed while pregnant with her has fueled her love for tacos.   We’ve had a cold snap here in Vancouver, so something to warm up in the innards was exactly what we needed. […]

Bacon Makes Everything Better… Especially Cookies

I promised you another cookie recipe in our last post HERE and lately we’ve been on a fun adventure of taking our favourite comfort foods and giving them a little twist! Today’s recipe is my husband’s favourite cookie.. Maple Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookies! Bacon in Cookies. it’s actually a thing. Bacon in cookies?! The sweet […]

One Of Many Christmas Traditions: Mocha Brownie Cookies

Growing up my fondest memories during the holidays were not the toys that we received.  The traditions were what made the holidays so special, even as an adult they still are!  Every year we put the same decorations on the tree, ate the same dinner, snacked on the same treats, and we were together. Last […]