One Of Many Christmas Traditions: Mocha Brownie Cookies

Growing up my fondest memories during the holidays were not the toys that we received.  The traditions were what made the holidays so special, even as an adult they still are!  Every year we put the same decorations on the tree, ate the same dinner, snacked on the same treats, and we were together. Last […]

Postpartum Depression – Let’s Talk About It!

Postpartum Depression is not a secret, when we talk about it, we can stop the whispers behind closed doors! It’s terrible and I had it, along with many other mothers and not just 1st-time mothers. It can also happen to adoptive mothers. Did you know that 1 in 8 mothers will experience PPD? Next time […]

I Let My Shame Over Power My Life! My Hard Truth!

I spent this summer and last summer hiding inside in shame. The heat has hit me in ways I’ve never know before. I used to live in the sun, couldn’t get enough! After 2 kids and a few years older, I am not able to tolerate heat any longer.  At least that is the story […]

Is Guilt Getting In The Way Of Your Wellness? #AtoZSelfLove

As women, we more often than not put our own well-being on the back burner!  I don’t remember the last time I made my wellness a priority! I say wellness because I am not just talking about my external self but internally we need love there too! I’ve always poured every ounce of myself into […]

3 Resolutions I Will Not Be Keeping!

New Years comes and people get up in arms about resolutions. Not this girl.. I’m choosing to be kind to others, therefore there are 3 resolutions I will not be keeping! “I’m going to kick this coffee addiction! I’m going to drink less! I’m going to exercise more!” Well you can thank me later because I […]